Well, maybe you've noticed a new look to the blog. It took some time, but I got to all the details and relaunched the blog and developed...
Showing posts from 2017

I had never been to the Bowmanville (Ontario) Miniature Show before, and I have to say, it was a solid show! There weren't too many vendors there, and 2 that I love had to cancel due to emergencies, but the ones remaining were exactly the ones I wanted to see! I started off at Small Scale Showcase . Car…

Oh, when you find the love of your life on eBay!! Well, the miniature love of your life. If you recall, I have a red corduroy couch (with arms) that regularly makes an appearance around here. I have never been able to locate a manufacturer, until now. They are made by Que Vee in the US. I purchased the vint…