Well, maybe you've noticed a new look to the blog. It took some time, but I got to all the details and relaunched the blog and developed...
Showing posts from December, 2017
Well, maybe you've noticed a new look to the blog. It took some time, but I got to all the details and relaunched the blog and developed...
Well Hello Again!I have to admit that some significant time has passed since I last blogged about my miniatures. It was a mix of things...
Happy New Year! 2019 was a busy year. 2020 will bring lots more time for minis, so hang on! I had a little fun creating...
The Christmas countdown is on! While most of us haven't started Christmas shopping yet, if you want to get your Christmas minis ready,...
I started to organize some of my minis. It was a scary thing, so I did two boxes of furniture and stopped. I need to devote a cold...