Well, maybe you've noticed a new look to the blog. It took some time, but I got to all the details and relaunched the blog and developed...
I started to organize some of my minis. It was a scary thing, so I did two boxes of furniture and stopped. I need to devote a cold winter weekend to taking everything out and sifting through it. Including my work space and the cabinets who's depths I haven't ventured into in quite some time.
I'm not saying its a "horde" but I freely admit that there's a lot of stuff very nicely labelled cute boxes that need addressing. I need to make a date with my label maker machine and attack!
But since I had a few minis out....and needed to store some of my summer finds, I took the time to play around in my new room box.
As you can see from my last post, I can easily swap out the fireplace which is held in place with museum wax. Pro tip (and by pro I mean that it took a long time to figure out): museum wax residue (not clumps!) comes off easily with a rubbing alcohol swab/square or a q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol. It hasn't ruined any of my painted walls, painted paper, or other surfaces. But test your surface first!
Let's tour the room!
This room is a bit of an homage to Warren Richardson. He made the beautiful sofa and chair which I purchased in Florida. These are still widely available and on eBay, both in tan and black. They are beautifully made! I also realized that he made the floor lamp too! But I've had that for some time now.
Care for a drink? I have a nice Chianti in a sweet wrapped bottle tucked in the bar.
Or maybe you want to relax, play some cards and enjoy a cigar.
No matter what you choose, listening to some music is always a good idea.
It's always nice to dig out items in your collection and see them up close. I enjoy re-envisioning them every time I take them out.
Where To Buy / Where To Find
Leather Bag - by Jose Gomez
Bar and Bookcase - Jane Harrop kits
Pottery - Alex Meikeljohn
Leather Sofa and Chair - by Warren Richardson (via The Toy Box in Cocoa, Florida)
Ashtray - Atomic Miniatures
Guitar and Chianti bottle - Grandpa's Doll House
Records and crates - Keenderson Miniatures
Coffee Table - MiniModels
Blue Floor Lamp and reading glasses - MitchyMooMiniatures
Credenza and record player - by me