Well, maybe you've noticed a new look to the blog. It took some time, but I got to all the details and relaunched the blog and developed...
Showing posts from November, 2015

The kitchen was by far the easiest room. Therefore, the kitchen was my favourite build. Who doesn't like an easy room?! I was fortunate to have the forethought long before I was ready to work on the interior and order my kitchen cabinets. Yes, I could have easily made them, but I got an amazing price on …

I have started my Christmas mini making. Since this is my first mini Christmas, I have had to make a few purchases and start making my own items. Unlike Halloween, I am starting with more then a 2 week runway. Side note, I finished my Halloween projects last week, so I'm ready for next year! This 1:12 sca…

The bedroom makes me happy. It reminds me of my attic bedroom back in my university rental days. I'm a sucker for a sloped roof in a bedroom. Might have something to do with the sloped roof in my master bedroom now.... Like the other walls, this was painted and papered then lacquered. Pretty durable! …