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Making Some Changes!

I decided to make a few changes to the blog.  I really, really dislike how complicated Blogger is to work with and change formatting without advanced HTML work.  I might dare to say that my husband was right when he suggested WordPress instead of Blogger, but oh no I said, and now I suffer!  Grrrr.  

I might invest in a purchased template in the future, but this works for now!  Please leave a link to your template provider if you purchased one, I'd love recommendations.

The Header

I really wanted something not as horrible as my old header.  Trying to find the correct free online software was a pain, not to mention figuring it out, editing the pictures, and then reinserting the edited pictures back into the header design.  

I used  You don't have to sign in and all the features you could really need are free.  You can save direct to your computer too.

You can insert your pre made header image in your header gadget, just click "instead of header and description."

The Sidebar 

If you ever want to get rid of a title in the gadget on your side bar enter:

Into your gadget title.  As you might have discovered, you can't not have a title or the red error message pops up.  This "title" tricks it and its gone.  But you might have to re-enter it every time you mess with that widget.

The Sidebar Buttons

They were free from Brandi Hussey.  They come in a few colours and you can download them as a .zip file.  Inserting them is much easier then the 45mins it took Googling how to do it!  

You insert an "image" gadget.  With in the gadget options use the fancy title trick, then upload the image.  You can make the image a link (i.e. to your Flickr) by inserting the link address.  You can make the image a header/title (i.e. Google + title and below it is your Google + badge) by doing all the above mentioned, but don't insert a link.  Then all you have to do is place the image gadget above your Google + gadget.  Voila, a header/title

Mini Me

The Mini Me is actually the "You and Me Happy Together Family Dolls - Ethnic Family" from Toys R Us.  1:12 scale and the legs and hips are articulated!!! 

I had to buy the "ethnic" family to get brown hair, as the caucasian family was blonde.  I am not sure how this family is "ethnic,"  but I suspect they are hinting at a Latin background? very weird.  At $16 this was an awesome buy to help me ensure my furniture was scaled correctly and I was tired of looking at my wood artist models. 

I did a photo shoot with Mini Me and Mini Miss Kitty.  Photos aren't on this computer, so I will post them in the future.

Good night and sleep tight!