That clock!! Since everyone seemed to like it (it is very cute), I racked my brain to try and recall more details of its lineage. It was new old stock from the online miniature show garage sale....but then it hit me...that white packaging. I knew I recalled that specific packaging from a blog. Then, I went through Brae (Otterine) and Keli's (iseecerulean) miniature show haul posts and pegged it from their Bishop show purchases. Turns out its from Wright Guide Miniatures. So, if you fancy it, ask WGM if they still stock it. See, I'm Nancy Drew!
And if you're curious, its based on the Kit-Cat Clock.
Then I had a happy mail day from Keli.....
.......and from Anna-Maria!! These arrivals brightened my day!
I gave up waiting for nice light and the ability to take my minis outside to photograph them. I finished my MCM room box and did the photo shoot in my living room. Gah! Spring will just not come soon enough. Now back to editing those photos!