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Showing posts from May, 2019

The HBS Creatin' Contest 2019

Image courtesy of T he 26th Annual HBS  Creatin' Contest  hosted by Hobby Builders Supply and  is in full swing.  When I was approached by HBS to share with my readers about the contest, that wasn't tough, because I was already following a few bloggers and Instagramers as they…

Mini Bits Of Fun

Kits are so much fun!   I got this monster deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant) kit by CastleCrafts from The Little Dollhouse Company .  There were enough leaves to make two plants. And then I treated myself to an amazing pair of chairs by Pepper via her MitchyMooMiniatures Etsy store .  And then because I did …

O.M.E.G.A. Show 2019

Today was the Ontario Miniature Enthusiasts of Guelph Area (O.M.E.G.A.) Miniature Show.  Lots of vendors and a lot of people! Check them out here . The Haul June Simpson (still spry in her 80's) has been selling off her beautiful miniature collection over several shows with the help of her friend Marie.  …

Mid-Century Build - It's Alive!

Building has taken place....over a loooooooooooong time and very slowly.  So slow you might not even think anything is occurring.  But it is.  I swear. I took my Greenleaf kit out of its "primed and stuffed in a corner" purgatory and started its transformation into a little mid-century home.  Like most o…

Look! I'm In A Book Of Miniatures

Hello everyone!  I've been more active on my Instagram page of recent months, my apologies.  If only Blogger was easier to use, I'd be updating more often! Last year I was approach by The Daily Mini  about contributing a few photos of my mini collection to a book.  I couldn't say no!  The Book of…